From 27-29 April 2022 the Luxembourg Learning Centre of the University of Luxembourg is hosting the LIBER Architecture Group Seminar in Belval (Luxembourg). The revamped former industrial site is located in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette – the European Capital of Culture 2022. The event will take place under the COVID-check regime, meaning that participants need to provide proof that they are vaccinated or recovered.
LIBER Architecture Group Seminar 2022
“Designing for Learning and Scholarship: a challenge for librarians, architects and all.”
For the programme of the 20th edition of the biennial LIBER Architecture Group seminar click here.

Registration is open until 31 March 2022
If you want to register, please use our registration form.
The seminar will take place in the “Maison du Savoir” building of the
University of Luxembourg
2 avenue de l’Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Link to map